Info On The Fossil Guy

My name is Bob O'Donnell known as the Fossil Guy. I have been doing Fossil Exhibits in Schools, Libraries, Conservation Areas, Senior homes etc for more than 20 years.                                                        

Here are a few links that are posted on the internet regarding my Fossil Exhibits

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My Background

  • Fossil Exhibitor for over 20 years
  • Curator for The Arkona Lions Museum And Information Centre at Rock Glen Conservation Area, in Arkona, Ontario for over 6 years                                         
  • Communications Director for the CCFMS - Central Canadian Federation Of Mineralogical Societies
  • Built numerous websites for clubs associated with the CCFMS
  • Liaison for the owners of 2 quarries ( Hungry Hollow ) in regards to having field trips to collect fossils
  • Education programs on fossils for the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
  • Past President of LGMFS - The London Gem Mineral And Fossil Society
  • Program Director for the London Gem Mineral And Fossil society
  • Field trip leader for The London Gem mineral And Fossil Society

A few cases of fossils in my exhibit

Please click on the pictures to have them open in a larger size